We specialize in patent preparation, filing and prosecution for
inventions in the following technology areas:
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Environmental Technologies
- Food Processing
- Innovative Tools and Sports Related Inventions
- Mechanical
- Pest Control in Agriculture
- Pharmacology
- Semiconductor Chips
We provide free consultations to discuss and define the scope of
your invention. Our office is conveniently located in the
Albany/Saratoga Springs
area of New York State. Our fees are very reasonable.
For several articles written by Gerald F. Dudding or about GFD Patents LLC,
please click here
GFD Patents LLC
Albany Area Office
Buffalo Area Office |
Registered Patent Agent,
Office Manager,
Gerald F. Dudding, J.D., Ph.D.
Mark K. Dudding, B.S.
Phone: +1 (518) 368-4157
Phone: +1 (518) 368-2751
Fax: +1 (518) 218-9292
Fax: +1 (518) 218-9500
1764 Route 9, Unit 752
1967 Wehrle Drive Ste 3
Halfmoon, NY 12065
Williamsville, NY 14221